Steven Pressfield’s book The War of Art has been so influential to my life and my pursuit of prolific practice, that I naturally went down a Pressfield rabbit hole, reading nearly everything written by the man himself, a lot written about him, and watched dozens of interviews. The more I learned about him, the more I discovered events in his life, ways of looking at things, that enriched my own view of life, and so eventually I decided: I’ll just write about who Steven Pressfield is, and why anyone should care.
The TLDR of his story is that he’s had a long journey to becoming the accomplished author he is today, despite many seemingly dumb career choices, despite being an author who hops genres in the most erratic way. He still considered himself an abject failure even when he was 50.
Quick bio: He was born on 1 September 1943 in Trinidad, where his father, who worked in the U.S. Navy, was stationed at the time. He graduated from Duke University in 1965, and joined the U.S. Marine Corps the following year, where he served as an infantryman. He spent many years working various jobs, from fruit picker to truck driver, driving cabs, teaching, and many other gigs.
Steven Pressfield’s writing journey
Pressfield got serious about writing when he was 22. Started writing his first novel at age 24, gave up at 26. It would be 12 years before he’d finish his first book at the age of 34. Here’s how he felt at the time:
“[…] that moment when I first hit the keys to type out THE END was epochal. I remember rolling the last page out and adding it to the stack that was the finished manuscript. Nobody knew I was done. Nobody cared. But I knew. I felt like a dragon I’d been battling all my life had just dropped dead at my feet and gasped out its last sulfuric breath. Rest in peace, motherfucker.“
Well, that book never got published, and he admits that there was a reason it didn’t get published: it sucked.
But he kept writing. Wrote another book that never got published. Kept writing.

He made a living as a cab driver in New York, and eventually as a copywriter.
During those days, after many years of “being a writer” he’s often overcome with doubt and asks himself why he’s still trying. The answer?
I’m doing it because I have no Plan B. I’m doing it because I can’t do anything else.
— Steven Pressfield, Govt. Cheese, Chapter 49
Getting into screenwriting
At age 37, he’s written 3 novels, and all of them failed. Not a single one got published. This is how he described his state of mind at the time: “This is my third novel. I have poured my heart into it. It’s as good as I can do, and it’s dead, dead, dead. I don’t have it in me to spend three more years writing number four.”
He decides to give screenwriting a shot. Buys a book for $3.95 titled How to Write a Screenplay. He writes his first screenplay, a prison story, and then 11 other screenplays. None of them sold. But he found a job as a copywriter to stay afloat.
At age 42, he got the third paying writing gig of his entire life: a $500 rewrite on a porn flick. A while later, he works on a low-budget action flick, where he received the best advice he’s ever gotten.
Working under Ronald Shusett
He finds an agent who fails to get his scripts sold, but eventually teams him up with Ronald Shusett (whom Steven refers to in the book as “Stanley Duplass”). Ronald is a screenwriter with many hits to his name, and their collaboration looks as follows: Steven does the writing, Ronald gets the scripts sold. The relationship is on uneven footing right from the getgo. Pressfield puts in a lot more work and effort than Ronald, but Ronald has the brand, the network, and knows how the game is played. He knows the business. And he’s obsessed with producing great movies. Steven learns a lot from Ronald in these years.
But you sense that Pressfield is never fully comfortable in that relationship. At one point he options Delilah by Marcus Goodrich for $2500. He now has the rights to turn that book into a movie, and does so on his own, without even telling Shusett about it.
At age 43, he worked on a movie called King Kong Lives. It’s an embarrassing flop, has a IMDb rating of 3.9.
He keeps writing, picks up little gigs here and there, learns, practices, makes connections.
Eventually, Steven and Shusett clash: Steven wanted full screenwriting credits for a script he wrote that was based on his own idea, a movie called Cryptic. Shusett didn’t accept that, told him he can’t no longer work with Steven, and hung up the phone. The partnership between Shusett and Pressfield has come to a sudden end. Pressfield, now 51 years old, calls this his big All Is Lost moment. Here are the words he used in his memoir:
“I’m nobody. I’m fucked”
His plan now: Spend the next 12 months writing two screenplays and trying to sell them. His daily regimen now? Work out in the gym at 5am. Liver and eggs for breakfast. Writing nonstop from 7am to noon. Then networking and reaching out to producers and studio execs to sell his script. Sleep at 8pm.
And then this happened:
“You speak Italian?” I shake my head. Dino [a successful movie producer] slides a drawer open, takes out a movie script, and passes it to me.
—Chapter 78, Govt. Cheese
The piece is in Italian, with the writer’s name—a male I don’t recognize—beneath it. “I want you translate.” It’s common knowledge that Dino never reads scripts in English. He has people who translate everything, even letters and memos, into his native tongue. “I don’t understand,” I say. “You’ve already got this in Italian.” Dino dismisses this. “I want in English. Ten grand cash. I need in three days. You do?” I’d love to. “But how can I translate it if I don’t read Italian?” Dino glances to the doorway. I turn. Silvia stands there. I’m thrilled to see her. “I thought you were in Italy!” She says nothing, only smiles. “You work with Silvia,” Dino says. “She tell you what script say, you write in English.” “When would you like me to start?” “Tonight.” One thing about Dino: He pays. I do the job in thirty-six hours. The check arrives twenty minutes later by messenger.
I don’t know about you, but a $10k check for 3 days of work sounds pretty good to me—especially if you’re a struggling nobody in LA in the 1990’s. And somehow, in mysterious ways, Pressfield now starts to see success. He’s selling scripts, one for Joshua Tree, a movie starring Dolph Lundgren, and Freejack, and even though they he hates how both of them turned out, he’s making some money writing.
You’d think he’s happy with the progress he made, but instead he’s busy pondering whether there can be “a single shittier writer than me in all of Hollywood”.
He keeps doing free rewrites and works on various projects, nothing serious ever materializes though. He still gets schooled on how the business works. But he’s working his way up in Hollywood, his name carries some weight, he’s on a trajectory to success. Until…
A ludicrous idea
Then one day the strangest thing happens. I get an idea. In truth, I’m seized by an idea. I have to do it. I have no choice. There’s only one problem . . . The idea is not for a movie. It’s for a book.
—Chapter 86, Govt. Cheese
And with that, he throws away the Hollywood career he’s built over the past years. He’s just at that point where he’s about to really make it in Tinseltown, and his agent is making a passionate appeal to stop Steven from pursuing that idiotic idea of writing a book about golf. Eventually his agent, who’s been busting his ass to help Steven succeed, sees that he can’t dissuade Steven, and let’s go of him.
If you look at this situation from the outside, Steven’s agent is right. This was an idiotic choice. Steven could make a great living writing for the movies, something he had worked so hard for over so many years. And just when it’s not just within reach, but basically already in the palm of his hands, he abandons it for this ludicrous idea of writing a novel.
And yet, that exactly, despite, or maybe because how unreasonable it is, shows how Steven Pressfield ultimately listens to his inner voice.
Sterling Lord & The Legend of Bagger Vance
That novel about golf is of course The Legend of Bagger Vance, which got published in 1995. Pressfield’s first novel which later gets turned into a movie starring Will Smith, Matt Damon, and Charlize Theron, directed by Robert Redford. A novel about golfing which was based on the narrative structure of the Bhagavad Gita. That ludicrous idea of Steve that should have derailed his career? Yeah, it became a tremendous success.
And that’s due in large part to a guy named Sterling Lord, who put the book in front of so many of the right people that it all, somehow, almost magically, came together. And to him, it seems, finally, he feels satisfied. “It’s been worth it. Everything has been worth it.”
Steven Pressfield’s routines & work habits
Nowadays, he’s at the gym at 5:30 a.m. At 11:30 a.m. he sits down in his office to work. His office is simply a converted bedroom in his house, with a simple desk and an old Mac desktop on which he writes.
There’s nothing special, except a lucky toy cannon that fires inspiration into him, and a lucky horseshoe. Before he actually starts writing, he recites a prayer to the muse. He also has lucky boots, he picks up pennies, and is openly superstitious.
He works for two and a half hours, five or six days a week, and weekends tend to be the most productive days for him. He’s almost 80 years now, so that’s all the productive writing time he gets out of a day, but he makes them count.
Writing advice by Steven Pressfield
Here’s a few random snippets of advice Steven Pressfield has for writers. I’ve got a big notebook full of stuff that I still need to incorporate here, and I will do so in a future update. But for now, I want to get this thing shipped, so here’s a few bullet points for you:
- If you’re a young writer struggling to find your voice, find some great writing and copy it word by word.
- “When we sit down day after day and keep grinding, something mysterious starts to happen. A process is set into motion by which, inevitably and infallibly, heaven comes to our aid. Unseen forces enlist in our cause; serendipity reinforces our purpose.”
- Write about what interests you, what fascinates you, what makes you curious. “I did what I myself thought was interesting, and left its reception to the gods.”
If you’re looking for more writing tips by Steven Pressfield, definitely get his books and check out his blog.
Loving the land

Steven Pressfield loves America. Not the politics, not the religion, but the land itself. Here’s how he put it:
One thing about being a trucker and living the trucking life is you see the dawn every morning. You’re on the road when the sun comes up. The high, wide windshield is like a 3-D IMAX screen exploding, if not always with straight-up beauty, then for sure with the horizon-to-horizon energy and horsepower of the United States. I’m with Woody Guthrie. I’m with Walt Whitman. Count me alongside Jack Kerouac, Ken Kesey and Gary Snyder. I love this fucking place. I know it sucks. I see the shit. I read the hatred and the suspicion and the crazy waste of time that is most of our lives. I see the drunks and the wife-beaters and the dirty cops and the criminals at the top of the food chain. I feel the blood that has soaked into the earth from men and women beaten with barbed wire and hung from trees while children looked on and cheered. None of that is lost on me. But this country is still beautiful.
Chapter 87, Govt. Cheese
Steven Pressfield’s best interviews & podcasts
If you just want to binge, here’s a curated playlist of all the best interviews Pressfield did, reaching back 10 years and more. Or pick one of these great interviews here:
Oprah Winfrey (January 2019), audio
Lex Fridman podcast #102 (June 2020), 1 hour 27 minutes, video
Tim Ferriss podcast (December 2022), 1 hour 22 minutes, video
Tim Ferriss podcast (March 2021), 1 hour 53 minutes, video
Rich Roll podcast (January 2023), 1 hour 56 minutes, video
Rich Roll podcast (March 2021), 2 hours 4 minutes, video
Daily Stoic with Ryan Holiday (October 2022), 54 minutes, video
Chase Jarvis (July 2022), 1 hour 6 minutes, video
Aubrey Marcus (October 2020), 1 hour 55 minutes, video
Let me know if you have a favorite Pressfield interview in the comments below.
Book recommendations by Steven Pressfield
Here are books Pressfield has recommended. I’ve tried to add sources to each recommendation.
- The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp
About the importance of doing the same thing at the same time. Watch Steven talk about it on his IG. - On Writing by Stephen King
- Ernest Hemingway on Writing by Larry Phillips
- Henry Miller On Writing
- The Story Grid by Shawn Coyne
Recommended for those who want to learn how to edit their own writing. - The Moviegoer by Walker Percy
Steve calls this one of his favorite novels. Watch him talk about this book on IG and here. - The Bhagavad Gita
Sometimes also called “the Hindu bible”, this is one of the books that has influenced him the most. Watch Steve talk about this book here and here, and this short four-part series: part 1, part 2 part 3, part 4. There are many translations of the book available, but these are the three translations he recommends. - King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Robert L. Moore and Douglas Gillette
This book has had a huge influence on Pressfield, and he called it one of his favorite books. Watch him talk about it on IG. - History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides (available for free online at Project Gutenberg)
Pressfield said that this is the book that has influenced him the most because it’s full of timeless truths and contains important lessons for every citizen in a democracy. He valued that Thucydides saw things as they were. “If you’re only going to read one book about ancient history this is my recommendation.” - The Iliad by Homer translated by Richmond Lattimore
Alexander the Great used to sleep with this book next to his bed. Watch Steve talk about this book on IG: part 1, part 2 - The Game of Numbers: Professional Prospecting for Financial Advisors by Nick Murray
Steven recommended this book, written by one of his friends, in the context of Resistance in other fields than writing, or even art. In this case, the book is about the Resistance financial advisors experience that prevents them from prospecting, particularly picking up the phone and cold calling prospects. Source of recommendation: The Bigger Pockets Podcast, episode 461 and Steve’s IG - Delilah by Marcus Goodrich
He loved the book in his early years in Hollywood, and actually acquired the rights to turn it into a movie. - Kybalion by Three Initiates
The book about Hermetic philosophy was gifted to him by a woman he had a fling with during his years in Hollywood, and he loves the ideas contained within, particularly that everything and everyone is just a mental construct. Watch Steven talk about the book on his IG. - The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts
- A Course in Miracles
Watch Steven talk about this book on his IG. - Henry Miller on Writing
Watch Steven talk about this book on his IG. - Ernest Hemingway on Writing
Watch Steve talk about this book on his IG. - My Green Notebook: Know Thyself Before Changing Jobs by Joe Byerly and Cassie Crosby
Watch Steve talk about this book on his IG. - Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - American Spartan: The Promise, the Mission, and the Betrayal of Special Forces Major Jim Gant by Ann Scott Tyson
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - 10 Rules for Resilience, Mental Toughness for Families by Joe De Sena
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - The Last Days of Socrates by Plato
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Sailing Alone Around the World by Joshua Slocum
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Rebel Without a Crew by Robert Rodriguez
This book walks you through his techniques and moments where creativity not cash was what he used for problem solving. With excerpts from the journal he kept while making his first feature film “El Mariachi” , this it’s a great place to get some inspiration. Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
This book tells the true story of a sailor who worked on a merchant ship, published in 1840. Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Solitary by Giora Romm
“In my opinion it’s among the finest war writing ever.” Check what else Steve had to say about this book here and here. - Inner Work, Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth by Robert A. Johnson.
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Improv Wisdom, Don’t Prepare, Just Show Up by Patricia Ryan Madson
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Watch Steve talk about this book on IG.
- Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Pressfield said that this is a book that changed his life. Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - An Informal Talk By Paramahansa Yogananda: Awake in the Cosmic Dream
Here’s what Pressfield said about this CD: “I’ve listened to it at least fifty times and don’t doubt that I’ll listen to it 50 more.” Watch Steve talk about this audiobook on IG. - The Log of a Cowboy, A Narrative of the Old Trail Days by Andy Adams
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Journal of a Novel by John Steinbeck
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Golf in the Kingdom by Michael Murphy
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - The Little Prince and Night Flight by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Risk Forward: Embrace the Unknown and Unlock Your Hidden Genius by Victoria Labalme
Pressfield posted the launch of this book on his IG. - Make Peace or Die: A Life of Service, Leadership, and Nightmares by Charles U Daly
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa by Eugene Sledge
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Mythology, Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton
- The Landmark Julius Caesar, The Complete Works, edited by Kurt A. Raaflaub
- Plutarch’s Moralia III translated by F.C. Babbitt
- Xenophon Cryopaedia, Books I-IV translated by Walter Miller
- The Persian Expedition by Xenophon, translated by Rex Warner (Translator)
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - The Western Way of War by Victor Davis Hanson
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army by Donald W. Engels
An ultra-nerded-out obscure historical book that Steven recommends with some hesitation, but he loved the book and found it fascinating how rigorous and detailed the research of the book was. Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - The Landmark Thucydides
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Cyropaedia: The Education of Cyrus by Xenophon
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG: part 1, part 2, part 3 - The Rise and Fall of Athens by Plutarch
- On Sparta by Plutarch
Pressfield recommends this for readers who are interested to learn more about the sayings of Spartan Women. - Rommel: The Desert Fox by Desmond Young
Watch Steve talk about this leadership book on IG. - Infantry Attacks by Erwin Rommel
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - The Sand Sea by Michael McClellan
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - With the 1st Marine Division in Iraq, 2003: No Greater Friend, No Worse Enemy by Michael S. Groen
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Popski’s Private Army by Vladimir Peniakoff
- Diary of the Sinai Campaign by Moshe Dayan
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Israel Defence Forces: Six Day War by Mordechai Bar-On
He admits that this book is unabashedly pro-Israeli, yet Steven recommend it because it’s such an immediate first-hand account of the events. Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Israel Journal: June, 1967 by Yael Dayan
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Lost Victories: The War Memoirs of Hitler’s Most Brilliant General by Erich Manstein
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - Bearded Brigands: The Diaries of Trooper Frank Jopling by Frank Jopling
- Alamein to Zem Zem by Keith Douglas
- The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
Watch Steve talk about this book on IG. - The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes by Ralph Bagnold
Movie recommendations by Steven Pressfield:
- Rome, Open City
- Stromboli
- La Strada
- La Dolce Vita
- Two Women
- The Damned
- Out of the Past
- Triumpf of the Will by Leni Riefenstahl
A controversial choice, but you can hear Steven’s reason for recommending this movie here. - Chosin by Brian Iglesias
Watch Steve talk about this documentary on IG. - Dinner Rush by Bob Giraldi
Watch Steve talk about this movie on IG. - Margin Call
About the 2008 stock market crash. Watch Steve talk about this movie on IG. - Mud with Matthew McConaughey
Watch Steve talk about this movie on IG. - Melvin and Howard (1980)
Watch Steven talk about this movie on IG.
Steven Pressfield online:
Steven Pressfield’s own website and blog
Steven Pressfield’s YouTube channel (lots of good stuff here)
Instagram (seems to be the social media platform where he’s most active)
Twitter (not very active)
Facebook (not very active)