newcomb pottery in the age of AI

Every once in a while I randomly come across something that fascinates me. The latest rabbit hole I went down was Newcomb Pottery, which is a true gem of American art history. It represents not only the skill and creativity of its makers but also speaks to the values and social movements of its time. … Read more

creative journal ideas

creative journal ideas

In a world filled with blank pages and untold stories, there exists a realm where creativity reigns supreme. It is a place where imagination knows no bounds, where thoughts transform into vibrant strokes of color, and where the ordinary becomes extraordinary. It is, of course, your creative journal—and in this post, you’ll find creative journal … Read more

trust the process

Every creative has heard, and maybe at some point spoken these words at some point: trust the process. I surely have. I still do. It’s beautiful, and it feels deeply true to me. But there’s also the flipside to that coin: is this the artist’s equivalent of believing in Santa Claus? Maybe it’s beautiful and … Read more

creativity images

Many people associate creativity with something visual, and so I thought it would be an interesting exercise to see visual representations of creativity, and offer them as free images to use for any purpose whatsoever. You can use all of these images for your own creative projects, I’ve made them available under a Creative Commons … Read more

the development of cubism: picasso & braque


I’ve always liked cubism, but I was most familiar with Picasso’s work. What I didn’t know was that the development of cubism was really a creative collaboration between two artists. While Picasso gained incredible fame and wealth, and became indeed the first celebrity artist, the other one is largely forgotten outside of the art world: … Read more

the power of a creative journal: why you should make creative journaling part of your practice

creative journaling

You become creative by practicing creativity consistently. And a creative journal will build your creative muscles day after day. You’ll become a more confident artist and develop deeper trust in your own abilities. In this article we’ll cover what a creative journal is, why it’s worth doing, how to find the right way of doing … Read more

what does creativity mean to you?

painting of a creative woman holding a brush in front of a painting

There are hundreds of definitions of creativity, and many of them are valid. There’s no singular “correct” definition of creativity—the purpose of this article is thus is to help you find the answer to the following question: What does creativity mean to you personally? In this article, we’ll look at common definitions of creativity, and … Read more