18 Strategies to Build a Winning Writing Habit

handrawn sketch of men typing on typewriters

If you study the writing habits of famous authors, you’ll find that they differ substantially, often even contradict each other. But the one thing they all had in common? They did have a daily writing habit. And if you’re serious about writing, then you need one too.  But developing your own writing habit is no … Read more

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami Book Summary

A light and easy-going book where Haruki Murakami shares his thoughts on running and writing, and how they’re intertwined for him. It’s a weirdly intimate book, because on the one hand, he talks about running and writing, neither of which are that personal in itself, but on the other hand, he very much gives you … Read more

To The Writers Without Talent

It’s hard to be successful at writing even if you’re a talented writer. It’s much harder when don’t even have talent. Here’s a passage by Haruki Murakami, one of the most successful Japanese writers of our times for all the talentless writers: […] writers who aren’t blessed with much talent — those who barely make the grade — need … Read more

Shit Happens. Keep Writing.

shit happens keep writing

Sometimes life takes a turn for the worse. Sometimes an indisputably ugly reality punches you in the face and breaks your bloody nose. Your first instinct might be to break down, to give in to all those intense emotions that flash over you. To just shout fuck all this, and get fucked up. Flush out … Read more

Ernest Hemingway on Writing Stories That Are ”So Real Beyond Any Reality”

I’m always fascinated by the interplay of reality and fiction, and how the best fiction sometimes seems more real than reality. Reading these words by Ernest Hemingway on the subject were fascinating to me: When you first start writing stories in the first person if the stories are made so real that people believe them … Read more

Writing Is Lonely? No, Says Steven Pressfield

“Is the writing process fundamentally lonely?” is a question Lex Fridman asked Steven Pressfield in an interview. I loved his answer: No, because you’re with your characters. […] My desk used to face the wall, and people would say: Don’t you want to look out the window?” But I’m in here, I’m seeing the spartans. … Read more