tired of the emotional rollercoaster? here’s how to get off

colorful painting of an emotional roller coaster

Life sometimes feels like an emotional rollercoaster—a rollercoaster you can’t get off. You’re stuck in that ride, in a seemingly endless procession of ups and downs that leaves you feeling nauseous and exhausted after a while. Maybe you often act unreasonable, or you repeatedly do things you later regret. If things get too overwhelming, your … Read more

rick rubin on staying open to creative clues (and the making of system of a down’s chop suey)

It was the year 2001, and System of a Down were working on Chop Suey—which would become one of their most iconic songs. Serj, the songwriter, didn’t have words for a certain section of the song. He was in the library of his producer at the time, Rick Rubin, and Rubin told him: ”Pick some … Read more

how to embrace yourself: the journey of creative self-love

a painting of a man embracing himself in the mirror

This is one of the hardest, but also most difficult, things in life: to embrace yourself. It’s difficult not just because it’s hard to embrace yourself, it’s difficult because you don’t really know who you are. With every unfolding moment of your life, you discover something new about yourself, and sometimes the older you get, … Read more

the power of a creative journal: why you should make creative journaling part of your practice

creative journaling

You become creative by practicing creativity consistently. And a creative journal will build your creative muscles day after day. You’ll become a more confident artist and develop deeper trust in your own abilities. In this article we’ll cover what a creative journal is, why it’s worth doing, how to find the right way of doing … Read more

how to let go of resentment & stop feeling bitter

photorealistic image of 2 dandelions with dramatic lighting, black background, representing resentment

When you resent someone, your brain produces a constant stream of negative thoughts that are toxic to your own well-being, and hinders your creativity. It’s time to get real. Yeah, you ended up with the short end of the stick. Yeah, you didn’t get what you deserved. Yeah, someone disappointed or mistreated you. But holding … Read more

cutthroat by imagine dragons

I really got into this album by Imagine Dragons, and the song Cutthroad is another amazing song, very unique, raw and original in its own way. It’s violent and aggressive. Here’s what Dan Reynolds said about the song: This is a song about the desire I’ve had over the past few years to rid myself … Read more

giants by imagine dragons

Another deeply moving song by Imagine Dragons from the album Mercury Act 1. This one is about Dan Reynolds’ struggles with addiction: Giants. There’s a rawness to the song and the lyrics are beautifully poetic. There’s the gentle, loving care of a father in there that you here in his voice in the verses ”If … Read more

Wrecked by Imagine Dragons

Every once in a while I like to post a song here that I came across and that moved me. Wrecked by Imagine Dragons felt so real and raw, and I think anyone who lost a love one will feel it. Days pass by and my eyes stay dry, and I think that I’m okay‘Til … Read more